Entry Fee
To Participate in the Gumbo Gras Cook-off, Team Registration will consist of up to 8 participants for $200.00.
Gumbo Team Set Up
Friday, October 27, 2023 | Gumbo Team Set Up
Audubon Park Shelter # 10 open for set up
Friday set up will take place between 2 PM - 5 PM
Security will be provided overnight from Friday starting at 6 PM through 6 AM (Saturday morning)​
Saturday, October 28, 2023 | Day-of-Set-Up
Arrive as As early as 6:30 AM
Gumbo Judging around 11:15 AM
Teams may begin to set up as soon as you arrive and check in at the Registration Desk.
Additionally, the Gumbo Team Coordinator, Marc Frischhertz, will be assisting teams with needs and gumbo judging.
Each Gumbo Team will have a designated position plotted
Once Judging starts, teams will need to have Gumbo Bowls ready for the judges in 3 minute intervals
The Gumbo Coordinatior will let you know prior to serving what your order will be.
Team Check In
Each team will need a team captain for representation
All team captains must check-in at the Registration Table and with the Gumbo Gras Coordinator, Marc Frischhertz , upon arrival.
Each team will be provided with your Team Number, Team Location, Team Wristbands, and Official Serving Bowl(s) for judging.
Judging Criteria
AROMA- Gumbo should smell appetizing
CONSISTENCY- Gumbo should be a smooth combination of meat or seafood or roux
COLOR- Gumbo should look appetizing :-)
TASTE- Gumbo should taste good :-)
AFTERTASTE- Gumbo should leave a pleasant taste after eating
PRESENTATION- Gumbo should be presented and served in an orderly and desirable fashion
Basic Gumbo Cooking Rules
1. All entries must be completed and ready to be judged around 11:15 AM
(Serving and Judging will take place in 3 minute increments. Coordinator will let all teams know order once the competition begins).
2. All utensils needed for the gumbo, including, burners, pots, ladles, etc. need to be provided
Additionally, all ingredients must be provided by the team, ex: rice, veggies, proteins and any other accompaniment.
3. It is suggested that each team cook 5-7 gallons of Gumbo
4. 1 cup per judge will be required for judging. Gumbo teams will need to fill their judging cups 3/4 full
5. Gumbo teams can begin cooking once they have checked in with the Gumbo Coordinator.
6. Gumbo must be prepared from scratch (no commercial gumbo mixes) on site day of Cook-off.
Roux may be prepared in advance, If desired. All vegetables must be added on site and in raw form, but may be chopped and cut ahead of time.
7. Proteins may be pre-cooked and/or prepared in any fashion prior to cook-off, if desired.
8. Gumbo must be cooked in the open (no mobile homes, trailers, closed tents etc)
9. Gumbo team will be given a “Team Number and/or letter” upon entry which will be assigned to your bowl of gumbo for judging. Make sure your number/letter match when it comes time for judging. The head cook is responsible for making sure the judging cup and team number match accordingly
10. Once judging is completed, the gumbos will be served to all registrants immediately after judging is concluded at approximately 12 Noon - Please consider brining zip lock bags for people to take home gumbo.
11. The Team will be responsible for ensuring that the booth/tent is kept clean, during and after the event. Teams are responsible for their own garbage.
12. Failure to follow these rules will be grounds for disqualification. The gumbo coordinator and representatives of the Tucks Charitable Foundation reserve the right to make additional regulations as situations warrant.
13. Make sure the gumbo tastes awesome! :-)
What to Bring
Tent (no larger than 12' x 12')
IMPORTANT: Tents can be weighted down, but ground penetrating stakes are not allowed!
Propane stove and fuel
Fire extinguisher
Cooking pots
Serving utensils
Additional Chairs
2 Chairs will be provided per team​
Additional Tables​
1 front facing 6' table will be provided per team​
Cooking ingredients
Additional Seasoning, Sauces, Hot Sauce, French Bread, etc
TIP: Canopy Decorations and Individual Team Flair!
Garbage Cans will be Provided
IMPORTANT: No ground fires will be allowed, no electricity will be provided, no ice will be provided. Food permits are not required. Teams are encouraged and will be expected to follow all cleaning and sanitary rules.
What will be Provided
12' x 12' Location for Cooking
Umbrellas for each Team Member
Wristbands for each Team Member
Serving Bowls, Cups, Spoons and Napkins
Any other additional service and support
Each Winning Individual on the Team Will Receive an Engraved 2023 Umbrella Walk & Gumbo Gras, Wooden Cutting Board
Awarded to the:
Judges Choice Winner
Peoples Choice Winner
Overall Spirit Winner